Thursday, November 20, 2008

The League of Ordinary Looking Superheroes, Volume 1

The Kindle book version of The League of Ordinary Looking Superheroes, Volume 1 is available now. I've listed the different groups and characters in the story.

Toiling in obscurity because of their lackluster appearances, the League of Ordinary Looking Superheroes (Firearm Avenger, Ammunition Boy, Wonder Nun, Mr. Captain Superheroman, Nancy Navel, That Super Speed Guy, Fat Canary, Green Bagel, Kate Childfair, Metal, and his niece Natasha) have quietly and without credit saved the world from numerous super villain plots and schemes. All that changes when the super villain Luthor Wilson plots to use a blasphemous image of Muhammad to spark an international incident in the manner of the Cartoon Wars. The Ordinary Looking Superheroes will find themselves up against not just Luthor Wilson’s Legion of Dread (Kevlar Man, Fire-arm, Normallo, Seductive Slut, Gimmickman, and Islamic Rage Boy), but also The International League of Superheroes Who Care More Than You (Captain U.N., Peaceman, Apology Girl, and the Tolerance Kid) and The Society of Sexy Superheroes (Deviceman, Accessory Boy, Silicone Girl, Massive Muscle Man, the Voluptuous Venusian, and Ancient Relic Woman). They will face insurmountable odds in their attempts to stand up for free speech and the right to criticize Islam.

The League of Ordinary Looking Superheroes-A powerful group of superheroes that are completely unknown to much of the world due to their lack of telegenic looks. Despite this, they continue to engage in incredible acts of heroism and save the world time and time again.

Firearm Avenger-As a young boy he witnessed the stabbing deaths of his parents. After witnessing this trauma he vowed to "Always bring a gun to a knife fight." He spent years training to be an expert marksman. With an arsenal of guns that could rival the armies of some small countries he became the superhero the Firearm Avenger.

Ammunition Boy-The sidekick of Firearm Avenger. Primary role is to carry the enormous amount of ammo that Firearm Avenger needs to fight crime.

Nancy Navel-In her secret identity she is Honey Hatson, a simple old woman whose mind isn't quite what it used to be. As a young girl she was given the power to take the form of her dead mother with super powers. All she needs to do to change into Nancy Navel is to say the word SHIZOOM.

Mr. Captain Superheroman-The son of Nancy Navel. He has inherited all her super powers, but unlike his mother, he has them permanently. In his secret identity he is a mild-mannered blogger who lives with his mother and has gotten a grand total of ten hits on his blog.

Wonder Nun-An immortal nun who has been given super powers by God. These powers include super strength, invulnerability, and the Glare of Truth. She also has the ability to fly due to her rigid habit and her small stature.

That Super Speed Guy-An overweight man who was given the magical ability of super speed in a lab accident. Despite running thousands of miles a day, he is still obese.

Fat Canary-An overweight opera singer whose life changed when she accidentally swallowed a radioactive fly. It gave her a super powerful singing voice that she now uses to fight crime.

Metal-A simple man who became a superhero by making a super powered suit of armor for himself. He works closely with his niece, Natasha, who has a suit of her own he made for her.

Kate Childfair-She is the descendant of people who were used in genetic experiments by the U.S. government. Her ancestors had genes for super strength. Through the generations the genes have become so dilute that her strength is just slightly above average.

Green Bagel-A freegan who tries his best to live outside the consumerist lifestyle by eating garbage and squatting in his parents' pool house. He has adopted the persona of the Green Bagel in order to fight the earning of profits and other corporate crimes. His weapons of choice are stale and rotten bagels that he pulls out of dumpsters.

Norman-The former Dr. Superhero. He was once a normal scientific genius, who became a superhero when a lab accident gave him super powers. He then reverted back to a normal scientific genius when another lab accident took away his super powers.

The Society of Sexy Superheroes-The Society of Sexy Superheroes is a well known team of supherheroes. They are very popular due to their good, telegenic looks and their friendly manners. Most reporters have a crush on at least one of them, hence they get a lot of favorable press.

Massive Muscle Man-An orphan from the planet Xenon. His father sent him to Earth to avoid the destruction caused by climate change on his home world. Earth's unique electromagnetic spectrum has given him various super powers such as flight and invulnerability. His Xenon physiology also gives him a muscle mass five times that of the normal human.

Silicone Girl-She was born a simple girl in the Midwest who as a teen relocated to Los Angeles to become an actress. When she couldn't find work due to her flat chest she had a boob job from a third rate plastic surgeon who gave her a pair of radioactive silicone implants. The surgery gave her huge knockers and super powers such as super strength and flight.

Ancient Relic Woman-A police officer who years ago merged with an ancient and magic skimpy metal bikini. The bikini is able to create spindles that can form into whatever object she needs to do battle.

The Voluptuous Venusian-The last survivor of the alien race that used to inhabit Venus. Due to her alien physiology, she is able to read minds, fly, and change her shape and density.

Deviceman-A corporate CEO and former playboy who has used his wealth to create numerous gadgets and electrical devices that he uses to fight against crime and for justice.

Accessory Boy-Deviceman's sidekick whose job is primarily to carry all the accessories for his devices.

The International League of Superheroes Who Care More Than You-The International League of Superheroes Who Care More Than You is composed of superheroes who first and foremost see themselves as citizens of the world. They fight against racism, intolerance, xenophobia, Zionism, and other forms of bigotry.

Captain U.N.-A simple man who has been granted the authority of a superhero by the U.N. He works to fight for global understanding and the ideals of the U.N. without appearing to be bellicose or jingoistic.

Peaceman-A Canadian superhero who fights for peace by making sure nobody says anything that might incite violence. He is authorized with power by the Canadian Human Rights Commission and has worked to silence anyone who dares to think bad thoughts of homosexuals or Muslims.

Apology Girl-A Dutch girl who specializes in defusing violent situations by apologizing to the aggrieved group. She is most famous for her work in defusing the violence over Fitna by profusely apologizing for Geert Wilder's exercise of free speech.

The Tolerance Kid-A British superhero who works to make sure that intolerance is never tolerated.

The Legion of Dread-A cadre of super villains out to destroy the world in order to benefit their own personal wealth and power.

Luthor Wilson: The ringleader of the group. He is a corporate CEO who is a master manipulator. He has engaged in numerous super villain schemes, but has never been tied to any of them.

Kevlar Man: A simple criminal until the day he fell into a vat of Kevlar. He emerged with his skin turned into bulletproof armor. He is the arch-nemesis of Firearm Avenger.

Fire-arm: A former Major League Baseball pitcher who tried to extend his career by taking steroids and over training his pitching arm. This gave him a super powerful arm that allows him to throw any object at supersonic speeds

Normallo: A clone of Mr. Captain Superheroman who shares all of his super powers, but is the superhero's opposite in many ways. He is rich, suave, sophisticated, and a Casanova with the ladies.

Gimmickman: A super villain who is always plotting to steal and murder in the guise of different gimmicks.

Seductive Slut: A beautiful and voluptuous villainess. Her primary power is the ability to distract male super heroes through seduction.

Edna: Luthor Wilson's secretary. As a young woman she was a super villainess, but retired to start a family. Luthor hired her for her experience in pulling off grand super villain schemes.

Islamic Rage Boy: The internet sensation himself. He was hired by Luthor Wilson to be the centerpiece of his grand scheme. He has the super power of always getting his picture taken during a riot. When he gets angry over the feeling that someone has insulted his religion, he gains the super powers of invulnerability, super strength and super speed.

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